Hire Me
hiyaa by
Dana Oshiro is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
It's Official...
I thought it was an April Fool's Day joke but I just found a ring attached to my electric toothbrush. I almost threw it away because I thought it was fake. I'm holding back on posting any pics until our parents get the first look, but rest assured, it is a skating rink. We don't have a date planned or any ideas about how we're going to do it as I am still stunned by the fact that I am wearing some serious bling on my hand. Everybody get ready for Hawaii!! Best birthday ever.
We've started the beginnings of a registry site and will post ring pics and other cheesy slide shows once the fam is on board. You can leave well-wishes here. Lauren and Lisa, mentally prepare yourselves to wear the ugliest bridesmaid dresses in the history of the universe.
congrads kids!!!
haha, (also) pwn3d!
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