Hire Me
hiyaa by
Dana Oshiro is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
America is great. My new sunglasses make me look like Hennifer Lopez. Gangstas from Cow Hollow to the Mission be straight bugging about this "sexy mamacita". 1 expressed his burning loins by air-guitaring Usher's "you're making it hard for me" song. Of course I was like, "Oh my god, I better sheathe this tasty booty." To avoid upping SF's boner count I have been wearing the same baggy kulaks for 3 wks straight. Muy Caliente.
PUA Acronyms - So fascinating how the "player" community can organize workshops and manuals while feminists have been trying to coin a common lexicon since the 70's.
SF-Numero Uno in an Ocho Part Series
Top 5 things about our new home: 1. We're 3 steps from the elixir of hangovers & the blues- tonkatsu curry donburi. (frickin dericious) 2. Our Israeli neighbours have a nose for interesting Goa trance venues. 3. The comic store is wicked. 4. We can walk with a cup of tea and see Alcatraz lit up at night. 5. Dashiell Hammett of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, created the Maltese Falcon 1 block from here. (As an unemployed goon, I realise the universe is aligning for my hardboiled P.I. career.)
"Look you big peluca, if I hear anymore guff from your fat mug, I'll force-feed your keyster through your gums."