My American't friends suck at stuffing. Why not just eat Chinese food for Thanksgiving then? I'm so disgusted by this poor stuffing effort that I'm going to Canada to hang out with my friends at BootUp Labs. Nobody in America has ever held a lunch with my face on it. Ok fine, here's the recipe. I've never actually had specific amounts for any of these ingredients. I just mix stuff, get a little drunk, and let my BFF plate the finished product. Stuffing tastes like love.
Directions 1. BROWN SAUSAGE: Brown sausage and drain. 2. MELT BUTTER: Melt butter and brown onion and garlic. 3. MIX: Add the remaining ingredients - add the vegetable broth last, slowly stir into rest of mixture. 4. ALMOST THERE: Turn off heat and cover stuffing for 10 min. Fluff and serve.
This weekend was a bust as I was so tired after hosting a Lunch 2.0 that I passed out in the middle of my living room floor by 10pm on both Fri and Sat nights . I missed two birthday parties.
Still, it was good to rest and go over a few ideas. I updated my website, stopped writing for in order to work on some of my own domains (coming soon) & I've been playing with the QL bar code generator tool that Rolf sent me. I also noticed that my idea for SF Drinktrain already exists. This makes it much easier to plan something in the near future. My usually better half slept for most of the weekend including during the days; however, he managed to find his doppelganger. Isn't the dude on the left in the photo a dead ringer?
I miss home. I'm counting down the days until I get back to Vancouver. I've forgotten about the rain and the fact that I can't get along with my mom for more than 3 days. All I can remember are the nice things like friends, trees and sushi. We've got 3 friends who've gone off the grid and I'm honestly a little jealous. They are: - Dave with a Bed & Breakfast; - Keith with an island meditation retreat; and, - Now Joel with a tree house.
I'm thinking it might be a good idea to branch out in my projects and make something bigger than an apron or a website.
This was a fun-filled girl-strava-ganza weekend and that rarely happens anymore. I went to a rally with my non-sexual life partner Rebecca, I had a jammy party and watched Kim Cattrall in Mannequin, and then I had 3 mimosas at a girl brunch in Noe Valley. If this were Sex in the City, I think I might be Carrie's chubby gay friend, Stanford. And like Stanford, I actually want to be Kim Cattrall.
This week was crazy! Barack Obama was voted the first racialized president in the United States. I wrote about my feelings here.
Proposition 8 passed, and San Franciscans lamented in seeing a piece of regressive garbage get codified into the California state constitution...And the Web 2.0 Conference was this week.
While equal marriage rights and Lessig, O'Reilly and Lionel Ritchie are great, I couldn't stop thinking about the US presidential election.
After my grandparents were interned during WW2, they were afraid of having their home, fishing boat and bank accounts seized again. Sixty years after the war, and a week after my grandma's funeral, we found thousands in cash hidden in their home. Watching a person of color elected the President of the United States is like watching a dream. This is an amazing moment in history.
Halloween is always a time of anxiety for me. SF is so full of costume parties that I tend to put too much pressure on myself to make something clever and then I choke. This is also why I can't make it to Burning Man. I have a sewing machine and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm just looking to produce something spectacular.
I saw an ecard that read, "I spend more time worrying about my costume, than I do about my career." This is true. I know I'm doing the best I can at my job...but lately, my costumes have been piss poor.
My friend Eugene did a great job as a giant penguin. He thinks he can also get multiple uses for it at hockey games, mall nativity scenes, swimming pool openings, ice carnivals, impromptu fire hydrant openings and global warming demonstration days. I think because he's Russian he should take a trip to Wasilla and tell people he's on a secret trade mission.